Payment method

Visa/Mastercard payment methods
You may make payments for your purchases from the Noskichikason by using your debit or credit card.
You will be required to input your card details at the checkout process as a payment method.
Please refer to the Noskichikason terms and conditions and the privacy notice to learn how Noskichikason processes your information.
Bank Transfer payment methods
You may make payments for your purchases from the Noskichikason by bank transfer. You will be required to input your bank information at the checkout process.
Pay on delivery payment methods
You may make payments for your purchases from the Noskichikason once the goods are delivered to you by providing the exact amount of the purchase price to the delivery agent in cash or by paying the exact amount via mobile money to the Noskichikason payment details that will be provided to you by the delivery agent.
Adding or changing payment methods
    You can add a new payment method or change your existing payment method at any time by logging in to your Noskichikason account and changing your profile. You also may add or remove payment methods that are linked to your account


  • Bank transfers are a payment method from a customer bank to a merchant bank
  • To learn more, and to configure payment methods, see define types payment methods
  • There are numerous tiers of credit cards, depending on the card brand/network
  • This article introduces what payment method is applied to pay invoices in the subscribe
  • Describes supported payment methods, such as credit cards, debit cards, & bank transfers
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    If you have any questions about these Guidelines please contact us using the contact form on our website.